
Showing posts from December, 2020

manifestation list

  How often do you hear yourself say things like “I’m not enough”, “I’m not cut out for this” or “I’m not worth it”? For me, it was more often that I can count. Being part of a major historical event—the pandemic, followed with the lockdown made me realise how impactful negative self-chatter can be. Pre-pandemic, I’d say a lot of demotivating things to myself, subconsciously, write a manifestation list  but never reallunderstood the magnitude of the harm it was causing. I’d be oblivious to the mental-harm that it did. But thanks to being locked within the walls of my house with an ample of time to self-reflect, it taught me the importance of really understanding yourself and being good to yourself. And indulging in uplifting self-talk, think positive affirmations. Never derogatory or demotivating, come what may!   It’s quite easy to believe all the negative things about yourself, right? But it’s as easy to believe all the positives in you, if you just remind yourself...